Round Table

UPDATE: There's a much better program than Round Table available also for free courtesy of N1HWQ. Please go to to download it. I will discontinue development of Round Table, however, you are free to download it if it's useful to you.


NOTICE: Round Table is in
ALPHA stage. That means that it's chock-full of bugs and butt ugly. While I can't be held responsible for anything bad it does, I have tried my best to make it behave.

Round Table is HAM radio software that may assist in managing group of stations while on-air. This idea came about after listening to the general chaos that goes on when more than a few stations gather to discuss a subject on a particular frequency. The software (now in it's very 1st incarnation, proceed with caution) has features like an ID timer to remind the Net Control to identify every 10 mins and notify others to do the same, timestamps for Net start/stop and space to jot down notes or Net purpose. It also has timers that can be set on each Participant to measure their talk time (you'd be surprise how long winded some of us can be). The sessions can be saved and later loaded for reference. Another important feature is the ability to transfer the whole Net session to another Net Control by wrapping it all up in a tiny file that's easy to email around. Once that file arrives to the new Net Control, opening it with Round Table restore the session to the exact state it was before. It can help to track Participants so everyone gets a chance to talk. Those that leave the Net can be made "inactive" but kept in the session for logging purposes. It can also work to take someone out temporarily when they get the "dinner call" ; - )

I had planned to include all kinds of automation and facilities like, callsign lookups, realtime session replication, calendaring and scheduling for meetings, etc, etc but decided to use the kiss (keep it simple, stupid) approach initially and take suggestions from users on what features to add, modify or remove. Here's a screenshot to give an idea on what it looks like.

If you decide to install and use it, please send me your comments, good or bad. It is a 2Mb file, compressed in a self-extracting archive. If installation doesn't start automatically after running the file, then run 'setup.exe' from the same directory you detached this file into. Well, here is it, virus free; have a blast:


Questions? Here's my email address, disguised so spammers don't send me unsolicited emails: Get it? Remove the "" part and send the email to k4jrg.